Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Just playing with combining glass pieces and using wire....

My husband thought the wire-work looked like a fishing lure. I hit him. My brother disliked it at first and then said, "Hey, it looks like Kandinsky. I love it." That made me happy. He's honest and critical and lives in New York so unlike me and my husband who are Mainers, he's definitely more hip. A woman who also makes jewelry, who I turned to for her opinion, said the first piece looked too much like two pendants just joined together. Yep, that's what it is I told her. She felt I needed to integrate the glass circle with the glass square in such a way that the two pieces looked like they belonged together. So...I fiddled with my glass necklace. I joined the two pieces with a rod in the back (actually it's a metal piece from a picture hanger!), edited some of the wire, and added some beads. And, here it is. Photography absolutely does this piece no justice. It is beautiful in the light but you cannot see that here. And, in retrospect, I'd make a little more movement between the two pieces but I have to fiddle more with wire to get that going on :) As it is, the movement is just in the "wing" piece that floats above the square.
My therapy :)

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