Yesterday in the early afternoon I finally got motivated to re-start my at-home yoga practice. Although the idea of yoga is to relax body and mind, when I get cranked up and overwhelmed I have a hard time remembering that this will help. I have always tried to take a weekly yoga class at a local studio or my gym but I don't practice daily even though I know I would feel much better if I did. But, yesterday, as I am starting to unwind and find time when I am alone in the quiet of my house, tucked away in the woods where I am surrounded by park-like grounds (well, it looks that way after we mow and weed whack!), I was inspired to lay out my mat on the back deck. And then I brought out my laptop so I could play one of the amazing yoga DVDs my brother bought me for Christmas, The Ultimate Yogi with Travis Eliot. And, as the impending thunderstorms rumbled in the background (later in the day was a horrendous downpour with flickering lights and the sound of thunderbolts nearby) I moved through down dog, forward bend, mountain pose, forward bend, plank, as well as warrior one, over and over until my body was fluid and relaxed. I was feeling proud of myself and very stretchy at the end but had to laugh. The cross-training yoga video was 47 minutes long. I had stopped at minute 17.02.
Today I am thinking I will once again practice yoga at home but maybe not right after I do my exercises from my trainer :)
So much to do and so much time to do it all in :) Not a bad problem to have. Once gain, grateful for my retirement....
The Travis Eliot video series and thank you Michael Bryan!
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