So, I like to think of myself as calm and yogic most of the time. After all, I am a 200 level yoga instructor, working on my 500 level certification. I am certified to be a kids yoga instructor and certified to teach yoga in the schools. I teach yoga to kids on Fridays. And I have a Ph.D. in psychology. Calm should be readily accessible to me. But sometimes, my reactions shock me because they are so not how I like to think of myself. Take yesterday morning. Now I knew that my spin class started 15 minutes earlier. I think it is a bad idea because that spin class is always jammed packed. This is because Hilllary, who is in charge of the class schedules, has changed the weekend morning spin class times for some illogical and maybe even emotional reason. Well, that's my thinking after talking with everybody. So, spin started, as of yesterday morning, at 7:15. I knew everybody would now get to the gym at 6:45 when the gym isn't even supposed to open until 7:00. And they all did! Well, everybody but me. My fall back was counting on a very nice woman who has offered to sign me up for the class. I arrive at 7:03. No more space on the sign-up sheet! "I'm pissed," I must have said 12 times as I stomped around the gym trying to tell everybody how unfair it all was. Whatever is the matter with me? Where is my yoga-self? Fortunately for me, the woman who usually signs me up wasn't there (I later found out she was sitting in her car afraid to come in for fear of throwing up all over... food poisoning) so her friend, who usually signs her up told me I could have her spot. I was happy but not really. I was glad I had a spot but kind of puzzled at my own nasty behavior. As a result I was able to spin but not so happily and it wasn't such a good workout. I'd have been better off going with the flow and going for a run. Ah...life! Always so much to learn :)
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