Oh My God! My husband has been experimenting. And the result is the most delicious, low-fat, inexpensive yogurt you can imagine. This is one of the many things I love about my husband...he's so clever and creative! Here's his recipe...take a gallon of 1% milk and pour it all into a Crock-Pot that has a high, low, and warm setting. Bring it up to 170 degrees (we use our dual probe meat thermometer to monitor the temp!). When the milk reaches 170 degrees, turn off the Crock-Pot. Let it cool until it is 115 degrees. At 115 degrees, take a cup and 1/2 of warm milk out. Combine this with 5-6 Tablespoons of yogurt and mix it with a fork. Then put that milk/yogurt mixture back into your warm milk in the Crock-Pot. This time he used some yogurt from a previous homemade batch, some non-fat greek yogurt, and Stonyfield plain organic, fat-free yogurt. This was clearly his best batch yet! Now, put the Crock-Pot on "warm" . Keep the mixture between 110 and 120 degrees (our thermometer has an alarm that goes off if the mixture gets too hot) for 12 hours (manage the temp by moving the lid around). Voila! For around $2 you have 3 quarts of DELICIOUS and tangy, healthy and smooth homemade yogurt. Put honey in it to sweeten. Add fruit to make it even better. I use a cup of this fabo yogurt every morning in my smoothie. Love it! And, we have found his yogurt, eaten daily, keeps us "regular"! Voila, again!
Ken says, "My next culinary adventure is 'cutting the cheese' under sista outlaw Marj's guidance :P" Looking forward to that!
Cheese class, you're on! Nice looking yogurt. Hopefully I'll have tons of honey this year.