Every so often owning rentals is a pain in the ass. This Fall both sides of this two-unit rental became vacant. Tenants took advantage of Obama's $8000 incentive and moved into their first home. Having one rental vacant is manageable while my husband and I work full-time. Having two rentals vacant makes us mental. Advertise, show, advertise show, advertise, show. We must have shown this place 15 times and reduced the rent twice. The time of the year, the economy, who knows what made it really difficult to rent this unit this year. It is small, but it is a really great rental. So, that part is stressful to me. The part I enjoy is the renovation where we go in and paint and fix up. Last night my husband and I arrived at this unit at 4:30 and left around 8:30. My sister-in-law (THANK YOU JACKI) arrived around 7:30. We painted and painted and painted until I was covered in beige paint (I really get into it) and all the walls were clean and beautiful. I love how my effort pays off, immediately. I love doing physical labor. And I love that we have created a space that will become somebody's new home. Now if we had just remembered to leave the key in the mailbox Ken wouldn't have to run over there at noon!
Isnt it great, what a coat of paint can do....I love renovating Pickernell. Gabe installed the chandiler last night. Now it caused another project...when we lite up the hallway, to our eyes what should appear, dings, scraps, and marks on all the walls. Gabe and I laughed. I guess we know what ill be painting next. Hehe