So, I'm loving Halloween this year! Usually I stay home on Halloween Eve; the door bell forever quiet as we live on an island in a condo and few kids wander into our neighborhood looking for treats. But this Halloween I wandered the Haunted Halls of my school with my husband and granddaughter last Saturday night. Yesterday I delighted in the costumes of all the kids at school and even wore leopard tights, a short black skirt and a leopard turtleneck (cheetah woman) to get into the spirit of it all. Then last night I was invited to tour Strawberry Banke's Haunted Eve with the kids! What fun!

Yes, this is a head in a bowl. But was is startling is that the eyes wiggle back and forth and a strange voice speaks to you from the dark, otherwise silent looking decapitated specimen! Booga Booga.

And, check out this lovely horn-nosed green witch! Boil and toil.......

Ah, Mrs. Pumpkin head...always a treat.....
What a delightful family night out....