Check out this hot banana pepper I'm growing! For weeks, in the nasty weather, I would wander out on the deck and simply water or trim dead leaves from my pepper plants and sigh. But, wow, the last few days have brought sunshine and now I have...banana peppers! So excited to harvest them tho I have no clue when you do! I'm imagining it's when they turn yellow...hence their banana moniker.

And here are my Bonnie Grape Tami G Hybrid tomatoes. They look just like little happy clusters of green grapes. We've eaten 3 ripe grape tomatoes so far...couldn't even get a picture we were so excited to pop them in our mouths. What are those red things you buy in the vegetable section of the grocery store? These little numbers are sweet, crunchy, ruby red fruits that just explode in your mouth...amazing...can't believe I grew them!

And, finally, here's my Bonnie select hybrid generic tomato. Now this plant, generally, has some issues. This is the only fruit. It's leaves have been kind of yellow - who knows why...I've been too busy to figure it out but this is encouraging and there are some tomato blossoms on the top of the plant. I love growing my own food....something really right about that :)
WOOHOO! Those plants are gorgeous! Nice!