I don't know if it's my age, my weight or my skinny pocket book but I don't shop much for clothes these days. Yesterday, however, after my happy trip to the dentist to get my temporary double cap replaced...ouch is all I can say about that....but anyway, after that early morning trip I went shopping during lunch for clothes. Oddly, 3 of my favorite and very old pairs of jeans have all recently ripped. How strange is that? Remarkably, I can still fit in those comfy old jeans (same ones I wore 10 years ago), but now my rear end is now swinging in the breeze. Time for new jeans. Being a short, petite woman, regular-sized clothes don't fit. Macy's has a petite section in their department store so that's where I headed.
After half an hour trying on jeans (that's a whole other blog...women and their jeans)...anyway, with my 15% off coupon in my hot little hand, I got ready to purchase my "JUST RIGHT LIKE BEING WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND" jeans. My best friend was not in the size I wanted, but again, that's another blog. I love a bargain. I soon learned, however, that the 15% Macy's coupon I was so eager to use is never valid on any item with a price tag that ends with an 8 or 9. Who knew? My jeans were $24.98. That's an "outstanding everyday value" I was told. Whoever made up that ridiculous sale rule I wondered aloud and why aren't the sale rules more clear? Must be in the fine print I commented to the clerk as I looked closely at the itty bitty words on my coupon. The clerk quickly told me that lucky for me, there was a 20% off special if I used my Macy's credit card (which I never use but did). "That's where we make our money," the sales clerk offers, "when customers charge their purchases". Last time I remember looking at the going rate on my Macy's credit card it was something like 21%. Yah, let me charge those jeans.
I also bought two sweaters for my husband. He hated them both. One had a fur collar (not his style) and was too short (notice his slim waist beneath the bottom of the fur-collared sweater, above). But I couldn't resist. They were both Oscar de la Renta (sounds like a good brand, huh?). One was originally $55 then on sale for $19. Today is was on special for $7.99 with 20% off if I used my card. I paid $6.39. The other sweater was originally $70. It was never on sale except for today, for $7.99 and with the 20% discount I paid $6.39 for that one as well. I was told by the outstanding sales clerk that they were priced to move. I also bought 3 sweaters for myself for $6.39 each. Who is making any money at these outstanding prices?
"Have an outstanding day!", a sales clerk exclaimed as I packed up my 3 pairs of jeans. Her perky comment belied her tired, bored face. "Have a nice day," I politely responded. Later in the men's department, as I was spending my $13.78 for my husband's two sweaters, the sales clerk was almost laughing when he said, "Outstanding" out of nowhere, no context, just looked at me and said, "Outstanding." I smiled walking away from the counter a little confused. It wasn't until a tall, well-dressed sales clerk smiled and blurted "Outstanding!" as I was walking to the bathroom that I realized "outstanding" was the word of the day...something Macy's management had told everybody to say.
I live in New England. Most people are not friendly right off the bat. I remember a fantastic book store years ago that I used to love to shop in. Every time you came through the front door an employee would look you in the eye and say, "Hello. How are you?" or some other such pleasantry. Amused and surprised by all this friendly New England banter, I asked once a cheery clerk, "Why are you all so nice in here?" The answer was that their management had told them to be!
Outstanding. I guess I did get some outstanding values at Macy's yesterday, but what a curious hour of shopping!
LOVE the Warhol;) OUTSTANDING! That was a lot of customer service for New England;)