Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Mornings

I am beginning to love my Saturday mornings. My step-son and his two daughters have been coming over for the past couple of weekends. I love it. We have made home made pizza dough, played snowman with colorful Play Dough (who doesn't love a lime green snowman?), read books, and this Saturday we enjoyed finger painting together! Well, my granddaughter did most of the artistic work with me on clean-up.

My granddaughter's great aunt, that is my husband's ex-wife's sister, has a blog ( I thoroughly enjoy reading her blog several times a week. Today she wrote about it being National Pie Day so I guess we should have made a pie! But, looking at this picture, maybe not! This budding artist seems very engrossed in the feel and color of blue.

My step-son even got into the creative mood today, making home made baby food for his 6-month old. He made tasty peas, strawberry/blueberry delight, and apple kiwi applesauce. All natural, all inexpensive and all very healthy for little chubby-cheeks. As we spooned all this natural goodness into cupcake tins, we were taken aback by the difference in color and smell when you compare freshly cooked and pureed peas with baby food peas he had bought at the store. There is no comparison. One is bright yellow-green, smells like....peas!....and tastes fresh and clean. The other is green-gray with a funky kind of smell. We laughed when I checked on line for recipes for baby food. Pureed peas contain....peas! We didn't add sugar or salt to anything. Just peas or apples and kiwis or blueberries and strawberries. And what fun it was to make. Maybe we'll start up a little cottage industry - Sweetpeas - Natural and Tasty Homemade Baby Food!

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