Sunday, August 22, 2010


Me at age 2 (the age of my granddaughter!)

I had a conversation with a wonderful friend the other day. We talked about our families because my self-reflective friend was seeing his parent's behaviors in his daily life and a little weirded out by it all. He has a weight problem and his eating habits are just like his mother's. He heard his father's "voice" coming out of his mouth recently when he was upset. Of course, I could completely relate. I told him that sometimes I wonder who I would be if I had been raised by different parents or in a different era or in a different country. Obviously I'd still be short with a head of curls, but who would I be? Is there a "me" independent of my rearing, I have wondered? The older I get the more I believe in that unique "me" or soul or whatever. And, I see for me, my personal goal, for the rest of my life, is to figure who I really am, as independent as I can be from the influence of my mom, my dad, my time in history. It always strikes me as so peculiar that I am myself but may not know who I really am. Of course, my behaviorist friend, Dr. Mike would tell me that who I am is all a function of my rearing......we are a product of our environment, he would say with confidence. But I think otherwise :)

Loving the Artist's Way...a book that has started me once again on this who-am--I adventure, through the lens of who ever I might be as a creative person.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Addie Looking Grown Up!

What a beautiful little charmer in her new pink sparkle shoes and Tigger backpack we got her for her birthday. She's only 2 but looks 4. She walked all around the condo with her new shoes on and her backpack packed and ready for action :) What a cutie pie!
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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fun with Grammie and Grandpa

Headed out! I'm a little unsure or maybe tired but I know
the day will be fun!

Look at Hank, the finger puppet guy Grammie bought me at the
Saturday Market!

At the park!

Eating Hebert's scallops! Yum!

The backpack Grammie made me for my birthday!
I love it cause I love pink and I love Tiger!

Isn't it lovely?

Painting a little birdhouse...I am artistic, don't you think?

Hank the Finger Puppet

So, how cute is this little handmade finger puppet. There were adorable "girl" puppets with long curly blonde hair, cute little "girl" puppets with lush, long hair and Hank, the lone male. It was her choice! Hank the finger puppet guy....she loved him!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Batman to the Rescue

Who knew there were so many different types of bats. In New Hampshire, where our rental unit sits, there are 7 different varieties. Turns out they are are shy little creatures. As our Batman told me, they think of humans as grizzly bears...something to avoid. They are helpful to the environment, eating a lot of insects on their nightly forays into the wild or suburbia, depending where they roost. Why do I know so much about bats? Well, picture this, husband on a much-needed 4 day vacation, ocean kayaking way up in Maine. I get a phone call Saturday. "Ah...sorry to bother you, but this is one of your tenants." "Yes," I respond, wondering why I'm getting this call. "Ah....we have 4 bats in our house." OK...this was my husband's project before he left for his trip and I was hoping he had solved the problem but, alas, not. So, who to call when husband is unreachable on an island in the Atlantic Ocean? Whatever Batman will answer the phone on a Saturday afternoon! Turns out, David, our Batman to the Rescue, was a wonderful man, providing advice via the phone as to how to get the bats that are now hiding in the rental (somewhere in the kitchen the tenant thinks!), out. You open a window 1/2 way, make sure the screen is up. Set up a fan 5 feet away, blowing directly to the window. Wait overnight. In the morning bats will be hanging from the window, awaiting escape. Apparently, wind currents are how bats find their way in and out of a space. And, did you know a hole the diameter of a pencil is big enough for bats to squeeze through? Tonight David, the Batman, will assure tenants that all holes are filled so they'll be no more bat flybys in the wee hours of the morning, scaring the giant cat that jumps on the bed and awakens the tenants who scramble. So glad husband will be home shortly....he can take it from here! And, from here is how to manage removing the bats roosting in the attic (one-way doors I am told)..... Life, always interesting :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sea Smoke at Sunset

This evening I took Olivia out for a walk but we didn't make it very far.

We stepped out the back door and moved no further....
watching the sea smoke moving slowly on down the river.

Pretty cool!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Peace of Wild Things...Wendell Berry

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Charlotte's Webs

This morning when I let Olivia out to pee,
the fog was thick up and down the river.
The air was damp and heavy.
And as I yawned and looked around...
Spectacular and intricate spider webs
Were everywhere
The invisible made visible....
Alive in the morning dew!
Just outside my door.